Terms and conditions
Shropshire Council is committed to providing a high quality website and we make every effort to present up to date and accurate information.
However the council gives no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, completeness or appropriateness of the information on this website. Therefore you must assume full responsibility for using this information and agree that neither Shropshire Council nor any of its employees is responsible or liable for any claim, loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of reliance on such information.
This website contains links to external websites maintained by other organisations. The council takes all reasonable measures to ensure that the information on these websites is not defamatory or offensive, however we cannot be held responsible for the privacy practices or content of these websites, which may change without any prior notice.
Links are provided purely for your convenience and do not imply that Shropshire Council endorses or supports these organisations, the information on their pages, or their products and services in any way.
Shropshire Council does not promote accommodation that hasn't been inspected and graded by one of the country's recognised quality accreditation agencies. We don't link to websites whose primary purpose is to promote holiday accommodation and which includes uninspected accommodation in its listings. However, we may link to websites where accommodation is listed as a minor part of web content alongside other information. In these instances customers should be aware that some of the accommodation listed may not have been quality assessed and graded.
If you discover any information on our pages which you believe to be inaccurate or inappropriate, please notify the Web Manager.
All forms of material contained within these web pages, unless otherwise stated, are copyright Shropshire Council.